
Gordon ‘Middle Boop’ Reid

Poster for the Royal ballet


 In less than 2 years, Gordon ‘Middle Boop’ Reid has already established himself strongly in the design and illustration scene.

Do you have any advice to give designers/illustrators wishing to target the music industry? 

It’s always a tricky one working in the music industry, as I’m finding out more and more how so many people in bands or who work in the music industry actually did design/ illustration courses at uni therefore do a lot of artwork themselves or are so protective over their music that it can become a real challenge working together. My best advice would be if you’re friends with a particular band, ask to do some artwork for them, album covers, t shirts, posters etc,  even if they’re just playing to a handful of people or playing the local pubs you never know who’s going to become the next XX or Foals. Also if you can work into the agreement total creative control or thereabouts, it will save a lot of hassle on your side. Either that or make sure the band in question sits down and writes you a brief. I’ve had too many people asking me to do album covers  without any proper ideas or knowledge using buzzwords like ‘we want something that’s minimal’ and you just know whatever you send will never be right. Take it like any other project, just make sure you set out an agreement before hand with the client.

Below is an interview with the artist about his working processes."

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